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Server Files and their purpose - Vanilla

Do note that the information here is based on the default files and folders provided by Mojang

Command Description Usage



Allows you to execute any command available within the server

(if op-permission-level in is 4 (default value))

/op <username>

/deop <username>

/op MelonOof

/deop MelonOof

/gamemode Change yout gamemode to one of the following: survival, creative, spectator and adventure.

/gamemode <gamemode>

/gamemode survival

/gamemode creative

/gamemode adventure
/gamemode spectator

/stop This command will stop your server (works the same way as the stop button in the panel's console) /stop
/restart This command will restart your server (works the same way as the restart button in the panel's console) /restart
/whitelist The command itself doesn't do anything, you need additional arguments for it to work, you can toggle on/off whitelist, add and remove players from whitelist

/whitelist on      ||    /whitelist off

/whitelist add <username>

/whitelist add MelonOof

/whitelist remove <username>

/whitelist remove MelonOof