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How to delete player data

Where is it stored?

In the Files Manager, open the world folder (or the folder of your main world). Inside, locate the playerdata folder. Within this folder, you’ll find files named in the format <uuid>.dat, where <uuid> represents the player's UUID (universally unique id).

Plugin stored data:

Some plugins store some of the player's data, such as EssentialsX, in this scenario the plugin's data is stored in the following path: plugins\Essentials\userdata, so the path would be plugins\<Plugin Name>\<data folder/file>

How to recognize a data file/folder?

Usually local storages use the .db file extension, example:

In other cases: .json | .yml | .conf | .toml Do note that these are locally stored databases, for external Databases such as MariaDB/MySQL, delete the database from the panel and create a new one, make sure to reconfigurate the credentials within your plugin's configuration.