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Outage Notifications using NTFY

  1. Download the NTFY App from Google Play or IOS App Store.
  2. Open the app and navigate to settings
  3. Set default server to ""
  4. Android users, scroll down and change connection protocol to "Websockets"
  5. Navigate back to dashboard and click the + button to add a new topic
  6. Name of topic corresponds to code-name of your host system 
    Available Topics: B-DE-001EuropeShared , B-DE-002EuropeDedicated , P-DE-001Managed , E-CA-001NorthAmericaShared , E-DE-001NorthAmericaDedicated , E-SG-001 , E-US-001 , M-AU-001 , M-DE-001 , M-DE-002 , P-US-001AsiaShared
  7. Enable "use another server"
  8. As URL input ""
  9. Click Subscribe

- for IOS sometimes Push-Notifications do not work, you would have to manually check whether there are news or not.
- for Android if you are using Samsung or maybe similar, something Power-saving mode per App may restrict push notifications, set it to unrestricted to fix.