Changing the resolution of the map (Optimization)
Possible values |
Description |
vlowres |
Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "vlowres" resolution (2 pixels per block edge) |
lowres |
Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "lowres" resolution (4 pixels per block edge) |
hires |
Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge) |
low_boost_hi |
Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "lowres" resolution (4 pixels per block edge), with boosted tiles rendered at "hires" (16 pixels per block edge) |
hi_boost_vhi |
Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge), with resolution boosted tiles rendered at 'vhires' resolution (32 pixels perblock edge) |
hi_boost_xhi |
Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge), with resolution boosted tiles rendered at 'xhires' resolution (64 pixels perblock edge) |